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Oxon Buses

We've teamed up with fellow enthusiast Christopher from S.E. Bus Fleet!

We've teamed up with fellow enthusiast Christopher from S.E. Bus Fleet to enhance our projects further than either can do single-handedly! We want to make it clear that this is not a merger or takeover from either party. It's purely the announcement of closer collaboration between our two groups to improve our projects for you!

Don't worry, neither party is ceasing development of their respective projects. This collaboration is designed to increase efficiency, quality, and viability of project development and decrease resource wastage wherever possible, without sacrificing either brand.

The Oxon Buses Team hopes this is the start of many collaborative projects and hope you'll stick around for the ride and offer support where applicable! Oxon Buses wouldn't be where it is today without our wonderful community and those of you contributing to each #FeatureFriday.

If you haven't checked out the S.E. Bus Fleet website at this point head over and have a look. You won't regret it!

P.S: Watch this space as we hope to have some additional larger announcements in the near future!


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